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Radish, with the Latin name Raphanus sativus, belongs to the cruciferous or mustard family. Hazera has been considering this specie as one of the priorities in its R&D programs for more than 40 years. Worldwide, Hazera has a leading position in round red hybrid radish varieties for both indoor and outdoor productions. Our dedicated team of breeders focus on needs expressed by growers, processors and distributors in all markets.

Important traits are a high net yield, disease resistances and tolerances, internal quality suitability for both mechanical as well as manual harvesting, strong leaf attachment, colour, and a correct size and shape of the radish bulbs. Bulb uniformity and reliability in production are among the key demands from radish growers. For distributors and consumers a good shelf life, quality, taste and a fresh appearance of the radish are very important. Hazera’s radish breeders have been able to adapt this crop successfully for year round production, both indoor and outdoor, a huge benefit for all.